Trust is the future of SMS

As we discussed in a previous post, US carriers are moving to protect SMS more as a communication channel. Their intention is to keep spammers from blasting irrelevant messages to millions and prevent them from ruining text messaging as a valid channel...

The benefits of texting for field teams

Internal text messaging is crucial to keeping your field teams up to speed. Communicating this way helps them do their jobs better and helps you schedule and talk to your team with more efficiency. 

Here’s why everyone is adopting business text messaging software

Business text messaging is the next big thing. 

Making the case for B2B text messaging

B2B text messaging is all too often written off.

How SMS can improve CAC and other marketing metrics

Marketers are always looking for ways to improve the metrics because better numbers mean better business. To improve some of these metrics, you may be considering including text messaging in your marketing strategy. There are a few ways SMS can improve...

A guide to A2P 10DLC - what to expect in 2021

In early 2020, Verizon became the first carrier to launch A2P 10-digit long code (10DLC) service for SMS & MMS. This was an important step in the direction of better, more reliable, and more respectful communication between businesses and end customers.

What the best SMS texting services can bring to your business

Engaging with your customers via texting is one of the best ways to have the convenient, fast conversations customers want. And, texting has an innate casualness to it that allows your business to develop a familiar relationship with customers —...

What is texting software for business?

Texting software for business allows you to reach your audience right on the phone with text messages that are easily managed from a centralized platform. Customers want a convenient way to reach the companies they do business with, and companies need a...

Why you should use SMS to improve customer experience

A focus on the customer experience is a must for companies today. With a strong CX mindset, your business can drive revenue up to eight percent higher than competitors in your industry. 

3 steps for SMS compliance marketing (with examples)

It’s important to know how to use text messaging for effective marketing, keeping compliance in mind. According to the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act), your business must gain explicit consent from your audience before communicating with them...

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