What's the difference between SMS and MMS (and which is better?)

Text messaging has become the preferred method of communication for nearly everyone in the world. Texting has taken over not only personal conversations but also interactions with businesses.

The Ultimate Guide to Texting For Business (2020 Edition)

Texting is a critical part of all of our lives, and it's becoming our primary form of communication as a society. Texting is the best way to reach everybody in our lives, and, more importantly, it's the best way for your business to reach its audience.


How Brands can Utilize Direct to Consumer text message

In 2020, the need for direct-to-consumer businesses has never been higher with brick and mortar retail and chain stores becoming inaccessible to most of the world.

How to Integrate SMS Surveys with salesforce to Collect Information

When Would I Integrate SMS Surveys with salesforce?

Let’s say you’re running a promotional campaign at a conference to encourage customers to sign up for your product. Your customers might text a keyword, such as CONFERENCE, in order to engage with you...

Why Should You Use Business Text Messaging?

Take a look at your phone. How many unread emails do you have? How many missed phone calls? Finally, how many unread text messages do you have? If you’re like me you’ve got a ton of unread emails and missed phone calls and close to zero unread text...

15 Best SMS Texting Etiquette to Follow for Business

15 Best Practices You HAVE to Follow Sending Business Text Messages

When It Comes to Communicating with Businesses, Customers Overwhelmingly Prefer Texting (Infographic)

How to Use Custom Variables

Four Ways to Embed Campaigns within Avochato

5 Times Your Customers Would Rather Text Than Call During the Holidays

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